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Category: Judi Online



NYARIS GILA KARNA JUDI BOLA – Di hebohkan dengan pemuda bernama adi warga negara manado , karna dia awal nya emng suka main bolah ,setelah ada judi bola dia mulai tergiur untuk memainkan lagi dan lagi.

Kompetisi liga sepakbola negara-negara Eropa yang sejak tahun 1999-an disiarkan secara langsung ke berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia tidak sekadar tontontan olahraga semata. Pertandingan bola pun ikut menyuburkan praktik perjudian berjejaring internasional dan tidaksedikit warga Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) yang ketagihan dengan judi online tersebut.

Investigasi Tribun Manado yang mewawancarai bandar judi online, mantan bandar judi online serta penjudi di Manado dan beberapa daerah lainnya di Sulut menemukan sejumlah fakta menarik. Adi, misalnya, cukup lama menjadi bandar judi online. Dia mudah mendapatkan uang, namun merasa hidupnya tidak tenang karena memakai uang ‘panas’. Adi bahkan mengaku hampir gila karena ketagihan judi online hingga dia memilih berhenti total.

Perkenalan Adi dengan judi bola online dimulai sejak sekitar tiga tahun lalu. “Mengandalkan pemasukan hanya dari gaji kantor tak mencukupi. Awalnya saya main forex (foreign exchange) online, kemudian menjamah ke judi bola. Karena dasarnya saya suka bola, judi bola online ini terasa lebih menarik. Untuk bermain forex, kita perlu banyak belajar soal indikator ekonomi, tapi untuk memprediksi bola, saya memang jagonya,” ujar Adi warga Samrat Manado, Sabtu (10/8).

Setelah fokus bermain judi bola online, Adi cepat mengeruk banyak keuntungan. “Dalam sebulan, uang saya berlipat jadi 1.000 persen. Memperoleh uang rasanya mudah sekali. Efeknya, saya jadi suka belanja,” katanya terkekeh. Judi bola online, katanya, jauh lebih aman daripada judi bola dengan bandar lokal. “Kita langsung berhubungan dengan rumah judi internasional. Mereka mengelola uang hingga triliunan rupiah, valid dan terpercaya. Kita menang berapapun akan langsung masuk ke deposit akun kita,” ungkapnya.

Hanya saja, rumah judi online pun mesti pilih-pilih. “Cari yang memang sudah punya nama besar, misalnya rumah-rumah judi yang jadi sponsor klub-klub terkenal dari Inggris atau Spanyol,” tutur fans setia klub Arsenal ini. Bagaimana cara kerjanya? “Pertama, kita harus punya deposit uang di alat pembayaran (payment processor) internasional yang terpercaya. Seperti halnya facebook, di sana kita harus membuat akun. Akun kita akan semakin dipercaya jika kita bisa konfirmasi identitas diri melalui kartu kredit, rekening bank, dan KTP atau SIM. Ada semacam tingkatan verifikasi. Semakin banyak identitas yang terverifikasi, semakin besar nilai maksimal deposit di akun kita. Ini berguna bagi para pemain- pemain judi besar yang bertaruh hingga ratusan juta,” terang Adi.

BACA JUGA : Ketahuilah Hidden Gems di Bali Utara yang Memukau

Setelah punya akun, lanjut Adi, saatnya untuk mengisi deposit di payment processor. “Transfer bisa lewat rekening bank dalam negeri, tapi kita harus benar- benar belajar prosedurnya karena agak rumit. Atau cara lain adalah dengan membeli dolar dari pemilik akun yang lain. Kita transfer rupiah lewat ATM ke rekening mereka, kemudian mereka mentransfer ‘uang digital’ ke akun kita. Sebenarnya payment processor menyediakan deposit menggunakan visa, tapi ketika mereka tahu visa kita dari Indonesia mereka akan secara otomatis menolak karena secara hukum negara kita melarang perjudian. Bisa juga diakali pakai visa virtual, tapi saya belum pernah coba,” jelasnya.

Sampai tahap ini, baru 50 persen jalan. Selanjutnya adalah membuat akun di rumah judi. Proses ini relatif mudah karena web rumah judi tidak meminta verifikasi macam-macam. “Semudah membuat akun di facebook. Nah, setelah wallet (dompet) kita di rumah judi online terisi.…

Do Online Betting To Earn More For You

Do Online Betting To Earn More For You – Sometimes, a bonus round gets started than usual timing and with greater amount of money.  One of the best advantages of this game is getting real amount of money without investing on registration of game. Chief will open new type of symbols on each level to have better understandings and more winning possibilities when moving in levels. There is chance of winning more than twenty-seven rounds and earn more real money than other versions available in spirit games. This type of Indian slots is more popular among this type of online games available in internet and mainly due to visual effects shown in the game.

Game also uses colorful back ground with colorful icons, drums and some little things which will make the real amount of profits. We need to take some little amount of risks to get more amounts of real money and this real money transferred to our registered bank accounts. Also, there are other websites that offer same type of game and with better cash out. On each level, winning chance is difficult and earning results will get doubled. Also, energy provided to us on each level will make stand enough to get possible winnings. Website like Judi Online will also clearly mention about type of encryption and decryption techniques found in the game. Online gaming websites are giving more games related to slot machines and offer more amount of real money. This wild spirit type of slot machine game is one of the puzzling games available in online for play. Risks taken for this game is less when compared to other such version games in market.

People can download the software of this casino from the links provided in the website and can play their favorite casino games anywhere they want. This kind of flexibility in online casinos is not available with any other online casino present in internet. Not only this, people who face trouble in downloading the software, the casino has made different links according to hardware of computers and smart phones available in the market. So, that no one faces any kind of issue to play their favorite gambling games through their casino.

Services Provided By The Betting Site To Their Players

Better services will always keep a casino in a better position than others present in the market. It has provided its players with verified agents who are completely dedicated to resolve each and every problem that is faced by their players while playing the games or in transfer of money to the bank accounts. Registration process which every player has to go through is also made easy and safe and the information of the players is kept in a 3D secured database which never leaks any kind of information.

The introduction is not at all required for online gambling. People across the world are familiar with it. Thanks to the internet which has done miracles in the world of social media and online games. Today majority of people play online gambling say it Poker, Roulette, and a wide variety of online games. Online casino sites are providing attractive games with different versions and are trying to attract the new players through a welcome bonus. The players can play online gdwbet casinos games who are familiar with the basics and certain strategies are required for the game. There are certain tips that can be followed only by online gambling.

Choose the Game: Online gambling sites will offer multiple games which are in thousands and the gamblers have to select few of them and can try them for free as the sites will enable the users to learn it for free without any deposit. The players can easily practice and learn the games and can understand the strategy and can win money with the games.

Plan a strategy: Gamblers can earn money easily through online  slots, which can be learnt easily and the players will be entitled to payouts. While trying to master two games in an event the players should pick a game with high jackpot and the other game with the low jackpot in order to balance the big wins and small bonuses which will enable the gamblers to maintain the constant bank balance and in turn allows the players to play for longer durations.

Encash the offer provided: many online sites will offer gifts and many promotions offers to attract the new players to their sites.  The players should encash the offers to try new games for free without any conditions attached.  These rewards will help the gamblers to learn new things without risking the real money and these offers are attracting the players to online casinos instead of offline casinos.

Know when to stop: When the players are losing the games continuously then they should stop at a point in order to avoid more diminishing bank balance making up the mind that luck is not on their side today. Even in the losing games, the players have to stick to a strategy.

Stop when you are ahead: The most common mistakes made by gamblers at online casinos is not quitting the game when they are ahead in the game. While winning in big games the players will try to make bigger amounts with an excitement and may end up in losing the game. It’s better to set up a time in the begging of the game and the players should try to follow the same when they reach it.


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